Single Fita Recurve / Compound Events
The Single Fita Recurve / Compound events are shot at 4 seperate distances over two days with scores from each distance
combining to give a total for each competitor. Also recorded are the number of hits, golds and xs made by each competitor,
which can be used to decide final placings in the event of competitors scores being tied.
Result Entry involves entering the score for each competitor at each distance, as well as their current number of hits, golds
and xs; the system then automatically calculates the totals and positions reducing the chances of any errors being made. To further
aid result entry the arrow keys can be used to navigate between the different rounds and competitors, making result entry
quicker and easier.
Ability to enter four seperate distance scores, plus number of hits, golds and xs.
Validation prevents invalid scores being entered.
Enhanced UI aids speed and ease of result entry with arrow keys used to move between boxes.
Total scores and positions automatically calculated.
Single Fita Recurve / Compound Team Events
Rather than being a seperate event the scores for the Recurve / Compound Team Events are actually based on scores for
the individual event.
Each competitor taking part in the individual event is also part of the team for their Island, with the score for the team
being the best two male scores, plus the best female score.
These three scores can either be entered seperately and automatically totalled to get the team score, or just the overall
score for the team can be added instead.
Newly added for the Åland 2009 games is the ability to automatically calculate all of the teams scores at just a click of a
button; greatly reducing the work needed to enter the results and the time it takes to enter them.
720 Events
A non-medal event, the 720 event is generally used to determine the seedings for the ladder for the head-to-head events with
results a combination of 2 sets of 26 arrows.
Result Entry is simply a case of entering the two scores for each competitor and letting the system do the rest, with
totals and positions being automatically calculated. For the 720 event there is also the ability to designate the cut-off
for the event which determines which competitors go on to compete in the head-to-head event. The cut-off is designated by a
horizontal line in Exis Results and by competitors being highlighted in green in Exis Admin.
Head To Head Events
In the head to head events the competitors / teams are paired against each other in a ladder format more usually seen in
sports such as tennis. Results are simply a score
for each competitor / team, with the highest score being the winner.
The Ladder System in Exis Admin means that simply entering the scores for each match is all that is needed, with the system
then using this to determine the winner and who they subsequently play in the next round. See
Heats for more
information about how Ladders work in Exis Admin.
See Also